Atlanta Pet Fair 2022: Customer Service & Customer Relations

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Customer service is the basis for any prosperous business and can be one of the most difficult aspects of being in business as well. Anjie will help you overcome the hurdles that you face when owning a business and facing the challenges of “The customer is always right”. This class will teach you how to avoid the pitfalls of that perception before they happen, and how to correct common mistakes after they’ve happened.
Anjie Coates
My name is Anjie Coates, I’ve been grooming for 32 years. I am the co-owner of Furry Tails Grooming Salon & Spa in Holden, Massachusetts. I groom dogs, cats, and rabbits, and am moving towards just cats and rabbits in the next few years. I am an educator because I love sharing my passion for grooming with others. It’s exciting and can be a wonderful way to blend creativity, compassion, and share your work life with some of the most amazing creatures on the planet. I want to spread my knowledge in the grooming industry and hopefully inform others on how they can better communicate with the owner, as well as the pet and do it in a safe clean environment.
I am a driven individual with a zeal for grooming and finding better ways to accomplish a groom to make it easier on the pet as well as more enjoyable. I delight in seeing pets love to be groomed, and seeing pets that were aggressive and/or fearful learn that grooming can and is actually nice, and spa days are actually good days.
I’m awaiting my results for the Certified Canine Esthetician class, which I believe I did well on. I’m also awaiting the results from my CCG test and working towards my ICMCG through IPG. I teach the Salon Sanitation course at the Whole Pet Grooming Academy in New Hampshire, as well as a Personal Safety course as I have a background in law enforcement.
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