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Atlanta Pet Fair 2022: Identifying Soulmate Clients

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Do you know who your soulmate client is? Do you ever wonder if a client really is the best fit for your business? Do you know what causes you to procrastinate? Do you know what attributes your soul mate client has?

In one hours-time you’ll learn:
• How to identify the different types of clients a grooming business might deal with.
• Clarity on specific attributes clients have (like demographics, psychographics, communication, etc.)
• Determine what you actually want in a client for YOUR business.
• Gain understanding and insight when an ideal client walks away…how to avoid this heartbreak in the future!

River Lee

Company: The Savvy Groomer

River Lee is on a crusade! Her broad and niche pet industry background lends a unique perspective to help pet professionals live their dreams on their terms. She currently operates the Savvy Groomer, a business where she teaches groomers about personal finances and business growth on their terms.

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