Bucket Bathing and Degreasing a Small Dog

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What do you do when you don’t have access to running water or a bath tub? How do you save money AND time when bathing small pets? Bucket bathing! This technique was developed by professional handlers when bathing facilities were not available at a dog show site. By bringing this bathing technique into the salon, you can save loads of time. Mobile groomers – just think how much water you could save by using this shampooing method! Pina shows you how to do it and shows you a fabulous way to get greasy residue out of a coat. Her tip is super easy. You’ll be amazed by how the coat looks – it’s silky and shiny – perfectly set up to give the dog a gorgeous haircut.
In this video you will learn:
- What everyday product removes grease from a coat• How easy it is to bucket bathe a small pet
• How much water to use
• What types of shampoo works best for this coat type
• How to apply the shampoo solution
Irina "Pina" Pinkusevich
Irina "Pina" Pinkusevich immigrated from The Ukraine in 1989. She realized her passion as a Pet Stylist while working part-time as a bather. In the earlier part of her career Irina worked as a Pet Stylist at some of the most high-end grooming salons in New York.
Looking to improve her skills & expand her horizons, Irina entered the world of Competitive Grooming in 2006. In her competitive career Irina has won multiple BIS & Best All Around Groomer awards. She is a two-time recipient of the Lynne Carver Award for the most Best All Around Groomer wins in 2008 & 2010. Irina was also honored to win the Liz Paul Memorial Award for the most Best in Show wins in 2010. She is the winner of the Winner’s Circle Jackpot 2011 where she won $32,500 for grooming Lucas, her champion American Cocker Spaniel. In 2013 she was the winner of another Jackpot & in 2017 she won The World Dog Show’s World Champion Award.
Irina was a member of GroomTeam USA from 2008 through 2013. She competed in the World Championships for the United States in 2009, 2011, & 2013 helping the U.S. team bring home a Silver & two Golds.
Currently, Irina is a national & international judge & lecturer as well as an ambassador for Artero. Irina was awarded the Cardinal Crystal Award for Judge of the Year 2014 & the Barkleigh Honors Award for Up & Coming Speaker of the Year 2014. She has also been nominated for multiple Cardinal Crystal & Barkleigh awards in 2015.
Irina is a National Certified Master Groomer (NCMG) with the National Dog Groomers of America. She is also a Certifier for their company.
Dedicated to improving the industry, Irina teaches at Merryfield School of Pet Grooming in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. She travels the world educating through conferences and seminars. She is also an integral part of Artero’s Jornadas events in Spain and the USA.
Irina is associated with Kiyara Poodles, owned by Michael Lamb and Bill Jividen Jr.. Kiyara is a top breeder of miniature poodles in the United States. She is also associated with Kerryfield Kennels, owned by Virginia Harding & Krizma Kennels owned by Lois Grier, top breeders of Kerry Blue Terriers. With these kennels, Irina has bred and co-owned numerous champion Poodles and Kerry Blue Terriers.
Irina is co-owner of a high-end styling salon in Oakland Park, Florida: Päsh the Canine Boudoir. It is here where she is most often found grooming the amazing show dogs that are her passion.
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