Grooming the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

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Award winning stylist and Certified Master Groomer Teresa Dreese leads you through the steps of grooming the pet Wheaten while retaining the breed profile.
In this video, Teresa uses her retired contest dog to show you step-by-step how to set the pattern and style the head in a modified pet trim that is easy to care and maintain. She demonstrates proper blade choices, how to utilize attach-on combs, thinning shear techniques, and scissoring skills. As a bonus, she also lightly talks about working on an older pet that has typical issues of a dog in its senior years as well as corrective grooming techniques.
Teresa Dreese
With over 19 years’ experience, Teresa Dreese is a Certified Master Groomer, an award- winning contest stylist, was a Lead Trainer and is currently the General Manager for Paragon School of Pet Grooming and White Dog Enterprises. She served two terms as GroomTeam USA Coordinator & one term Board Member, and an industry consultant. Her specialties include breed profile trimming and hand scissoring.