Part 2 of 4: Grooming a Bedlington Terrier: Trimming the Tail & Scissoring the Rear Legs

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If you want a breed that will test your grooming skills, this is the dog you’re looking for: the Bedlington Terrier. Suesan Watson says, ‘The Bedlington has one of the most difficult coats of all breeds to work on. If you can master this coat type, you can scissor any breed.’ Suesan should know, she’s a third-generation professional pet stylist. Her career has crossed the AKC confirmation show ring and the competitive grooming arena.
In this lesson, Sue demonstrates how to do a show styled Bedlington Terrier. She begins with flat work using clippers with a short attach-on metal guard comb. Once the clipper work is complete, she moves on to scissor work.
Throughout the entire lesson, she talks about how to get this unique look typical of the Bedlington Terrier. They are one of the few breeds that you want them to look racy and slab sided. Instead of a nice round cat type round foot, the Bedlington has a hare foot, a rat tail, and a lamb styled head. All these items make the Bedlington Terrier both fun and a challenge to groom correctly.
Sue walks you through step-by-step. Her directions and demonstrations are easy to follow. The camera work on the headpiece is exceptional. If you had any questions on how to do a Bedlington before this grooming lesson, all your questions should be answered by the time you finish watching the video.
We have broken this lesson apart into four sessions (A through D) for easy viewing. Make sure to scroll down and catch the entire lesson as you complete each section.
{br} In this video you will learn:
• how to achieve the slab sided look.
• how to set the roach on the dog’s back.
• how to trim the tail.
• where to set your clipper lines on the head.
• the best way to remove scissor marks from a coat.
Suesan Watson
Suesan is a third generation pet stylist whose dynamic career stretches over 40 years. A “Certified Master Groomer”, she owns a successful mobile grooming business, serving the Chicago/Northwest Suburban area. Sue is proud to be part of Wahl’s “Extreme Team” and is approved by the “United Show Managers’ Alliance” as a “Sanctioned Judge”.
She began grooming competitively in 1995, and has received many class and group placings. Sue is a winner of the “Wahl 2003 Groomer of the Year” award, and only recipient of three consecutive “Cardinal Crystal Grooming Achievement Awards for American Groomer of the Year”. In addition, Suesan has been nominated multiple times for “Cardinal Grooming Contest Judge of the Year”, and Cardinal “Congeniality” awards.
Making “Groom Team USA” in 2000, Suesan was in the top five positions for five years in a row, before retiring from competing to become a judge in 2005. Her 2004 placings garnered her the honor of competing with the “Groom Team USA Travel Team” in France, in 2005; with the USA team placing second, only one point behind France. Sue also won “Best Clipping” recognition with her Mini-Poodle in the “individual open class”, at the same competition.
Her keen eye for dogs, understanding of the “standards” and knowledge of grooming techniques, coupled with her pleasant demeanor, has made Sue a sought after competition judge and speaker, both in the United States and abroad. And with a natural ability to communicate grooming techniques to others in an understanding and often-humorous way, she regularly draws crowds at her seminars and grooming demonstrations around the country. Sue also does private hands-on seminars with individuals and smaller shop groups.