New Spotlight Sessions: Cocker Heads, Faster Drying, and Shaping Ears

April 19th, 2023 by Iman Admin

How to Clip the Muzzle, Cheeks, Throat, and Ears on an American Cocker Spaniel

Irina “Pina” Pinkusevich shows you how she uses her clippers to block in the trademark “dome” shape for the head on an American Cocker Spaniel.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Extreme Makeover on an American Cocker Spaniel

Watch the Spotlight Session

How To Speed Up the Drying Process

Judy Hudson shares her expertise on how to dry a dog’s coat more efficiently after bathing, speeding up the grooming process.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: How to Groom a St. Bernard Doodle in 90 Minutes

Watch the Spotlight Session

How to Give a Masculine Shape to the Ears on a Drop Coated Dog with a Round Head Style

Lindsey Dicken shows you how to use your comb and scissors to safely create the perfect ear shape.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Thinning Shear Personality Trim on a Yorkie Mix

Watch the Spotlight Session