New Spotlight Sessions: Doodle Foot, Brush Out Techniques & Mobile Grooming

February 17th, 2021 by karaadams


Using the "Boxing In Method" for Rounding the Feet on a Doodle

In this Spotlight Session, Misty Fowler, demonstrates how to round a Doodle Foot with the Boxing in Method. Run Time: 4:59

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Easy Trim to Maintain on a Doodle

Watch the Spotlight Session

Brush Out Techniques - Matted Dog

In this Spotlight Session, Amy Triezenberg, demonstrates techniques to make a brush-out on a matted pet easier. Run Time: 7:43

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: How to Give an Attractive Haircut to a Matted Pet

Watch the Spotlight Session

Sisters Discuss Pros & Cons of Mobile & Building Clientele

In this Spotlight Session, Lisa Leady and Suesan Watson discuss the pros and cons of mobile and building clientele. Run Time: 7:43

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Mobile or Salon? – What is right for you?

Watch the Spotlight Session