New Spotlight Sessions: Rustic Coats, Setting Rosettes, and Drop Coated Dogs

April 28th, 2022 by Iman Admin

What You Can Apply To Rustic Coat After Bath

Kendra Otto explains how to properly dry a rustic coat after a bath, plus which products she uses to keep the coat moisturized and looking its best.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Maintaining a Rustic Coat

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Setting the Rosettes

Misty Fowler shows you how to quickly and accurately set in the rosettes on a pet continental poodle trim.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Modified Pet Poodle Continental Trim Using a Guard Comb

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How to Effectively Trim the Main Body on a Drop Coated Dog

Lindsey Dicken demonstrates how to get an attractive, frustration-free body trim on drop coated dogs using thinning shears.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Thinning Shear Personality Trim on a Yorkie Mix

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