Part 2 of 2: Shear Basics @ Intergroom: Shear Quality

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Are you baffled and overwhelmed by the choices of shears on the market? Don’t know what to buy or how much to spend? In this mini lesson, Mike leads your through the confusing world of how shears are made. He discusses different types of metal and the quality of that material in the end product, the scissor. How can coatings enhance a shear’s life? What different type of edges can be put on a shear blade? Why is the harness scale important when selecting shears? By the end of this lesson, you’ll have a much firmer grasp of how to select your next pair of shears!
In this video you will learn:
• About the diverse qualities of shears.
• The types of steel typically used when manufacturing scissors.
• Why similar looking shears have different price points.
• Who is currently creating the highest quality steel in the world.
• How to find out where your shears were made.
Mike Mailman
Mike is fourth generation in the 44/20 company. They are a manufacturer of hand crafted precision shears. Since the late 1930's, the company has enjoyed a reputation for product excellence. For years, they have been sharing their knowledge with students and professionals in the industry to help them better themselves. Mike has worked closely with leaders in the industry to design new tools that will benefit the professional and optimize their performance. He has traveled worldwide to learn different manufacturing techniques and styles. 44/20’s intention is to bring back the best knowledge for our company and our customers.