Part 2 of 5: Minor Adjustments Make a Big Difference on a Contest Standard Poodle: Blocking the Body

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This standard poodle is a stunning competition dog. He has the attitude to capture the judge’s attention. He has an amazing coat. You can mold and sculpt it into anything you want.
In order to make the most of what this dog has, you need to show off his elegance. That’s what a poodle is all about, elegance. You also need to understand proper breed profile.
Lisa Leady is a well-respected competitor and grooming competition judge. In this lesson, she shows you how minor changes can make a big difference in the outline of this dog.
Lisa keeps the breed standard firmly in her mind is she sculpts the coat with clippers and scissors. She explains how she accentuates this dog’s positive attributes, while minimizing his faults.
We have broken this lesson into five chapters for you. By breaking it into these individual sessions, you will be able to focus quickly on the sections that most interest you. Or, sit down, relax, and enjoy the entire video lesson.
In this video you will learn:
•which guard combs to use to set the body length.
• Lisa’s personal rule when it comes to scissoring.
• how to tell if something is off balance.
• where to set the center of the dog.
• how wide the back of the neck should be.
Lisa Leady
Lisa Leady is a third generation groomer, with over 25 years experience. She is also a clinician, speaker, Certified Master Groomer, and Certifier for IPG.
She has many Best All Around and Best in Show placements.
Lisa is a multiple Cardinal Crystal Achievement Award nominee and was the recipient of the 2003 Congeniality Award.
In 2002 Lisa sold her shop of ten years and began a new career as a grooming school instructor.
After five years in the classroom, Lisa has made the move to mobile. She is now the proud owner of Primp My Pooch Mobile Pet Salon based in Genoa, Illinois.
Lisa is currently a GroomTeam Board Member.
She has completed the Judge’s Orientation/Training Class required by the United Showmanagers Alliance, and was approved as a Sanctioned Judge.
Business Name(s): Primp My Pooch
Business Address: 712 Tyler St.
Genoa, IL 60135
Business Phone: (815) 333-5197
E-Mail: [email protected]
Industry Affiliation:
USA Judge
Competitor (Retired)
Mobile Stylist/Owner
Vendor Associate: Wahl Extreme Team Member
GroomTeam Affiliation: She has been a GroomTeam USA member since 2000. In 2004 she qualified to travel with GroomTeam to France, where she helped bring home the silver medal, and also went to Italy in 2007.
AKC Exhibitor Breeds: Shown and bred champion Smooth Fox Terriers.