For the Love of Lavender

September 17th, 2013 by ificore

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I love lavender.  I’ve always loved running my hands through fresh lavender. Then I’d bring my hands up to my face and inhale deeply. Ahhhhh.  What a wonderful aroma!

For the past 30 years, I’ve always had lavender planted in my gardens.  I would love to cuddle with one of my cats after they have woven their way through a brush. There is nothing better than snuggling with a friendly feline that smells like lavender!

Recently we were sitting by a beautiful pool. The gardens surrounding the area were thick with lavender. We were all laughing at the Golden that was causally lounging in the pool on one of the steps.  She was there for over an hour. When she finally decided she was waterlogged enough, she climbed out of the pool and gave herself a quick shake. Of course she was not 5 feet from us.

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We were enjoying a cool beverage poolside and we highly opposed the ‘dog shower’ Nellie was giving us.  We all hollered simultaneously, “Nellie – NO!” (Most of us were pet professionals.) Luckily, the dousing ceased, but she quickly tossed herself with reckless abandonment into a huge lavender plant. Feet kicking to the sky, Nellie was thoroughly enjoying her roll!

Unfortunately she was meet with another round of “Nellie, NO!!” from the group. She was totally destroying the lavender plant. She righted herself, smiling that typical Golden Retriever smile. She knew the benefits of lavender. It’s soothing. It enhances relaxation. Plus, she instantly removed her wet dog smell into something that was far more appealing – the lavender scent was heavy in the air. No one minded when Nellie started making the rounds, putting her soggy head on all our laps.

When we first started filming educational video lessons for, one of our first Training Partners was Linda Claflin. She used a calming technique that involves lavender at the grooming table. What a brilliant idea. Its soothing properties take effect instantly – for both you and the pet!

How do you use it on the grooming table? Simply rub a small amount of 100% pure lavender oil onto your grooming safety loop.  We watched Linda do this with four different nervous dogs. It helped with each and every one of them. If you haven’t watched the lessons on,  I highly recommend them.  I love natural remedies and this is a great one.

The scent of lavender has long been used as a folk remedy to help people fall asleep. Research is starting to confirm lavender’s sedative qualities. It’s been found to lengthen total sleep time, increase deep sleep, and make people feel refreshed.

Personally, I love lavender as a sleep aid! Sometimes being at the helm of multiple pet related companies (at last count there were five main companies with many sub-companies in there as well). There are days – weeks – and even months that sleep is difficult for me.  After talking with Linda on the L2GD set, I turned to lavender as my ‘go-to’ natural sleep aid of choice. I found a pillow spray that I love. As I climb into bed, I spritz my pillows with my lavender pillow mist. It works like a charm for me.

How do you work with lavender? I’d love to hear your lavender aromatherapy ideas, uses and tips.

Happy Trimming,

~ Melissa

Learn2GroomDogs Members: Catch Linda Claflin as she shows us the uses of lavender when grooming. To view Linda’s demonstrations about working with anxious dogs in a professional grooming setting, click on the video links below!

WATCH: Dealing with Problem Dogs:

Linda-Claflin-1---Dealing-with-ProblimLinda uses her years of experience combined with the principles of massage and relaxation to win the trust of two pets she has never worked on before. Both of these pets have a history of nervousness and anxiety. Linda guides you through the steps she takes every day with a new client to win the trust and cooperation of a nervous dog. In this session,  she works on a Chihuahua mix and a Rottweiler.

WATCH: Dealing with Problem Dogs #3 and #4:

Linda-Claflin-2---Dealing-with-Problom-3-and-4Linda uses her years of experience combined with the principles of massage and relaxation to win the trust of two pets she has never worked on before. Both of these pets have a history of nervousness and anxiety. Linda guides you through the steps she takes every day with a new client to win the trust and cooperation of a nervous dog. In this session, she works on a Border Collie and a Shih Tzu.
