How to Style a Doodle That Sheds (Part 1 of 3-Part Series)

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Who said Doodles don’t shed? In this session, Misty Fowler shares some grooming techniques on a Doodle that has a soft down undercoat (that sheds) combined with a harsh, wiry outer coat. She explains the differences in Doodle coats and shows you tools and techniques to help reduce shedding and set the coat up for a beautiful trim. Misty does a fabulous job showing you how to use blenders to get a long, layered trim in a manner that is both appealing and timely.
We have broken this demonstration into 3 chapters for easier uploading and viewing.
In this video you will learn:
• Which tools work best to remove downy undercoat.
• How to get a beautiful, natural looking finish, all by hand.
• How to use the pets anatomy to set the lines on the trim.
• How to set parallel lines (great camera views!).
• How to style the head in sections.
Misty Fowler
Misty Fowler has over 20 years of experience in the pet grooming industry. She is a Certified Master Groomer, an award-winning stylist, and a three-time member of GroomTeam USA’s top 10 groomers.
Misty was a lead trainer at the Paragon School of Pet Grooming. She is currently an active pet stylist at Whiskers Resort & Pet Spa. Her specialties include hand scissoring, breed profile trimming, speed, and efficiency.